Hits to this page-Hits to the MERVERNATION community


maybe some part of her IS real somewhere..
maybe I was right all along..


I cant remember the last time I had so much fun and felt so little pressure. :)


3 Dews

Pepsi has intruduces 3 new Mountaindew flavors that were created by dew fans for dew fans, and must be tried by dew fans. their idea is to have a vote this month that will elect 1 as the winner and it will become a new addition to the dew line.

They are all pretty good. my First try had me favoring Voltage, a Blue Raspberry flavor, with Revolution in second, which is a Mixed Berry, and then Super Nova in third which is a Strawberry.... a couple days later I tried them again and this that time I still found Voltage to be my favorite, but Super Nova moved in to second and Revolution in to third... they are ALL good, but if I can only have one, I gotta go with Voltage.

once you try them you can go over to DewMocracy.com and vote for your favorite.

If only they had thought about letting people show their support when Josta was around. bah.


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